Wednesday, March 26, 2025


 Autumn has really kicked in now. Many of the shrubs and smaller trees are ablaze with colour! The enormous vegetable garden is ready for harvest, the perennials are in full flight, and things are looking beautiful! Come on out and have a look. No booking required. $5 entry. Yes - that is correct - $5!! Judith would love to see you. Telephone ahead if you would like Devonshire Tea. 06 3724 804.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Mid-October in the Garden

What a great spring so far - warm, with just enough rain. Take away the ferocious wind, and it would have been perfect! Dursley has some perfect blooms at the moment, so well worth the 15 minute journey from Masterton.  No appointment necessary - just show up.

Current features: large cherry trees, *TREE PEONY* (stunning - see pics), tulips, Lilacs, bluebells, plus lots of perennials just starting to open every day. It looks a picture. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


This spring has been better than ever in the garden at Dursley. The feature through September has to be the large array of flowering trees - cherry, crabapple, magnolia and more. The daffodils and hellebores are giving way to grape hyacinths, tulips, miniature bearded iris and other treasures.   

Make the most of the spring sunshine and come out to visit at any time. The garden is open seven days a week, with no appointment required. Bring a picnic, or if you would like Devonshire Tea, then give Judith a call prior to your visit (06 3724 804), or try your luck on the day! $7 pp.

1899 Te Ore Ore Bideford Road, Masterton.  20 minutes north-east of Masterton set in the beautiful Bideford Valley. No crowds, no queues!! $5 adults. No dogs please. 

Come on out, Judith would love to see you. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024


Autumn has most definitely arrived at Dursley. The intense colour has started already with the smaller trees and shrubs, and will go on for several months yet, as many of the big trees haven't even thought about colouring up yet. 

Tootle on out for a visit. Telephone Judith first of you would like a Devonshire Tea.  Tel 06 3724 804. Or bring a picnic to enjoy in the garden. 

Friday, January 5, 2024

Century old trees for summer shade

 Summer getting too hot for you yet? Come on out to Dursley to bask in the shade of some of the magnificent 100+ year old trees. Many Oaks, a stunning Strawberry Tree (Arbutus), Cedars, Fir and many many more. Laid out by early NZ landscape architect Alfred Buxton, these trees are stunning in size. Pathways meander between them, with seats and farm vistas to enjoy from their shade. 

Summer is relatively quite under the trees, but winter, spring and autumn feature thousands of bulbs - Martagon lilies, hellebores, and cyclamen in particular. 

Arbutus unedo - Strawberry Tree. One of the largest in the Wairarapa

Pathways meander through the shade of the magnificent trees

Colour in Mid-Summer at Dursley

Mid-summer means COLOUR at Dursley. The perennial borders are looking spectacular, the roses are in full flight, and every colour is represented! Come on out and have a wander around. Lots of quiet places to sit in either sun or shade. A particularly good month to visit if you are into roses and/or lilies, as they are a major feature throughout the garden.