Thursday, November 24, 2016

Late Spring at Dursley

The late November garden is bursting at the seams. Roses, roses, roses, plus a myriad of gorgeous perennials just hitting full stride. The fragrance of Philadelphus is everywhere, with enormous shrubs dotted throughout the garden. Come on out for a visit. Plenty of parking, and plenty of garden seats! Plenty to look at......

Evening shadows cross the lawn in front of the rose garden. 
Perfect spot for a view across the Bideford Valley.
The Philadelphus bushes (behind) are magnificent throughout November.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Daffodils at Dursley Garden

There are literally thousands of daffodils at Dursley. Because of this, the season goes for several months, with many varieties finishing before others have even started. They are still going strong,  and looking  a real picture, both in amongst the garden, or down in Dingly Dell. Other spring bulbs are blooming, too. It is pure delight for the senses right now.

Pick a sunny day and come out for a visit. Judith happily hosts groups of any size - from a car load to a bus load, or anything in between. Telephone Judith 06 3724 804 to book catering, or just come on out if you only wish to view the garden.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Cyclamen @ Dursley

These carpets of cyclamen are a really special feature at Dursley. They grow in the most inhospitable areas, under large conifers, where nothing else will grow. And over the last 45 plus years Judith has been there, they have spread themselves around the garden. Obviously they just adore the conditions!

They are still in full flower, so the next few weeks are perfect to come and visit, to see them for yourselves. There are also many other gorgeous plants enjoying their last hurrah before the frosts and cool winter months cut them down to size.

Dursley Garden - 1899 Te Ore Ore Bideford Rd, Masterton