Sunday, October 11, 2020


 Now is the time to come out to Dursley if you want to see the Tulips in all their glory!! They are truly spectacular right now. Judith has mass planted in colour groups which gives a great wow factor. They don't last for long, so hurry out. Also on show are the thousands of tall Spanish Bluebells, and lush new season's growth and early flush of perennials and roses. LOOKS GORGEOUS!! 

If you would also like a Devonshire Tea, then phone Judith with your order. 06 3724804. 

1899 Te Ore Ore Bideford Rd, Masterton. Approximately 15 minutes from Masterton. 

Monday, September 14, 2020


 Daffodils and tulips are in peak flowering mode, Magnolias, Crabapples and other trees are in bloom. The garden looks stunning at the moment. Come on out any day of the week. If you would like a Devonshire Tea, call Judith on  06 3724804 to guarantee you don't miss out. 1899 Te Ore Ore Bideford Rd, Masterton. 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Dursley closed this winter

Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 Judith has closed the garden over the winter months. The garden will be looking fabulous on the first day of spring (1st September) 2020,when she reopens, so make sure you come back to visit then. Here are a snippet of some spring garden delights you can expect to see.....